Saturday, January 15, 2011

How to Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster

How to get sitemap for Blogger?
How to get sitemap for Blogspot?
How to add sitemap for Blogger to Google Webmaster?
How to add sitemap for Blogspot to Google Webmaster?
How to enter sitemap to Google Webmaster for Blogger blog?
How to enter sitemap to Google Webmaster for Blogspot blog?

First, go to Google Webmaster and sign in with your Google Account.

google webmaster site

Then, if you have not added your blog, click on "Add a site..." first.

google webmaster add a site

After adding your website, you'll need to verify the site ownership by added a meta tag on your blog. Follow the instructions displayed.

Then, proceed to the dashboard of the site.

google webmaster dashboard sitemap

On the left sidebar, expand "Site configuration" and click on "Sitemaps" below it.

Then the next page is where you submit the sitemaps for the blog.

google webmaster submit sitemap

Click on "Submit a Sitemap" and enter the following link extension:

1) This is the basic sitemap you submit first.


2) Then enter the second sitemap. This is to index the first 100 posts on your blog, which means post number 1 until post number 100.


3) If you have more than 100 posts on your blog, submit this link as well. This will index post number 101 until post number 200.


4) If you have more than 200 posts on your blog, submit this link as well. It will index post 201 until 300.


5) Continue adding new sitemaps if you have more posts.

Take note that the more posts you have on your blog, you have to add more sitemaps to index every hundredth posts. Refer to the number in orange and it's pretty self-explanatory.

After submitting the sitemaps, your sitemap list will look more or less like this:

google webmaster sitemap list

The sitemap links above can accommodate 200 plus blog posts only. If the number of posts exceeds, more sitemaps have to be added for every hundredth.

Why is this "Sitemap submission" necessary?

It helps Google index your blog more efficiently and ultimately provide more traffic to your site via its search engine.

Go ahead and add your blog's sitemap to Google Webmaster now!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How to Remove Attribution Widget on Blogger

How to remove attribution on Blogger?
How to remove copyright widget on Blogspot?
How to remove line at the bottom of blog?

If you're using a template by Blogger's Template Designer, most of them have an attribution widget at the bottom of the blog.

Take a look and it's something like this...

blogger attribution widget

You're able to modify only the "Copyright" statement from the widget.

If you want to remove this Attribution widget at Design > Page Elements, you see that it can be edited...

blogger attribution widget

But unlike the other normal widgets, you won't be able to remove the Attribution widget because it doesn't have a "Remove" button.

blogger attribution widget

If you insist on removing the widget, here are the steps to remove the attribution widget on Blogger. It's pretty easy and understandable.

1) First, go to Design > Edit HTML > Tick "Expand Widget Templates". Search for the word "attribution".

blogger attribution widget

2) When you see the Attribution widget code (refer to image above), change the "true" on locked to "false".

3) Go back to Design > Page Elements.

blogger attribution widget

4) Since the lock function is disabled (by changing the code to "false"), it's movable and can be removed as well. Click on "Edit" on the Attribution element.

5) And now with the "Remove" button available, you can finally remove the Attribution widget for good.

blogger attribution widget


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