Friday, August 13, 2010

Blogger New Commenting Feature

Blogspot has a new feature implemented again - this time it's a new feature for comments.

Now you can manage the comments received on your Blogger blog. It will be with one of the tabs with the other navigation, such as Edit Post, Settings, Designs and Monetize.

Here's how the navigation bar look now.

blogger comment feature navigation
With the commenting feature, now you can easily check on published comments, comments that are awaiting moderation and spam comments.

To be honest, it's almost like Wordpress now - except Wordpress has a "Trash" are once you deleted a particular comment, probably just in case you want to recover it back.

But when you delete comments on Blogspot, that cannot be undone.

blogger comment published

This is how the "Published" section look like - with complete information such as comment author, commented blog post and the date.

blogger comment awaiting moderation

Comments "Awaiting Moderation" section. It's self-explanatory.

blogger comment spam

And lastly, the "Spam" section. Haven't gotten any in my spam inbox right now, hopefully it works against automated spam comment bots.

Take note: It's not implemented on all blogs, yet. Only a handful of blogs has this feature - probably all will have it in the near future.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tutorial: How To Set Password for Blogger Post

How to make blogger post private?
How to encrypt blogger post?
How to create blog post with password?

First, please proceed to

Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.

Then add the JavaScript decryption code after the <head> tag in the HTML code of your blog. Copy and paste the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Then proceed to

You'll see this page.

form empty

Then type for secret key at the "Key" area and the secret message at the "Plain Text" area.

filled form

After doing so, hit the Encrypt button under the "Plain Text" area.

Then scroll down a little and you'll see the "HTML Code" area. Highlight, copy and paste the HTML code into your POST EDITOR.

html code

And that's it!

Here's the result of the example shown. The secret key is "the key". Go and click on it.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

How To Use Own Photo as Blog Background

How to add photo as Blogger blog background?
How to upload own photo to blog background?
How to change blog background to own photo?
How to modify Blogspot blog background to own photo?
How to put image as blog background?

Blogger in Draft's Template Designer now has a new feature which allows users to upload their own photos as background easily.

To do so, go to Dashboard > Design > Template Designer > Background.

blogger upload image

Click on the "Background image" and you'll be able to see the "Upload image" feature. Click it and you'll be able to select the preferred picture as your blog's background.

According to Blogger in Draft blog, for images that fill the entire background, a resolution of 1800px wide and 1600px high is recommended and image size less than 200KB to minimize loading time of the blog. It support JPEG, GIF, and PNG format images.

At the end, additional background settings are available by using the Alignment, Repeat and Scroll options.

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