Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Traffic Tracker and Statistics for Blogs

Traffic and statistics for blogs.
What are the best traffic checker for sites?
What blog statistics tracker suits blogs?

Here are some well-known traffic trackers that you can use for your blog, just to see how your blog's traffic is doing.

1) Google Analytics

google analytics logo

"Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites."

Editor's note: This is a must for all blogs.

2) SiteMeter

sitemeter logo

"Site Meter's comprehensive real time website tracking and counter tools give you instant access to vital information and data about your sites audience. With our detailed reporting you'll have a clear picture of who is visiting your site, how they found you, where they came from, what interests them and much more."

Editor's note: This is my favourite among the other traffic trackers (excluding Google Analytics)

3) OneStat (free version)

onestatfree logo

"OneStat Free is the most reliable, fully password-protected tracker available today. We provide you the most detailed web analytics reports and the best of all: it is absolutely free!"

4) StatCounter

statcounter logo

"A free yet reliable invisible web tracker, highly configurable hit counter and real-time detailed web stats. Insert a simple piece of our code on your web page or blog and you will be able to analyse and monitor all the visitors to your website in real-time!"

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How To Add Table To Blog Post

How to include table in blog post?
How to add boxes for text in blog post?


Here's the example of the code used to create a table with 2 rows and 2 columns.

<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="400"><tbody><tr><td>A</td><td>B</td></tr><tr><td>C</td><td>D</td></tr></tbody></table>

As you can see, <tr> is the tag to begin a row, and the tag ends with </tr>.

While in between <tr> and </tr>, we have <td> to indicate a particular column in the row, and it ends with </td>. In between that, you can type the text you want. The example given is "A".

You can have as many <td> your text </td> you want in between the <tr> and </tr> tag.

Once you are done with a particular row, you can start another row my using <tr> again. And the process continues.

You can also modify the values of table align, border, cell padding and cell spacing. Changing the values will show different table styles. Try it out.

For the width, you can either use the pixel value (example "400") or the percentage (example "90%") to suite your preference.

Here's an example of another table with these values:

table align="center" border="10" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10" width="90%"

And you might also want the values to be in the center. So just add <center>A</center> to the text.


Feel free to try it. Enjoy!

Monday, September 14, 2009

How To Set Password for Blogger Post

How to make blogger post private?
How to encrypt blogger post?
How to create blog post with password?

It's basically called text encryption and decryption. JavaScript is used to perform this function.

To learn how, please proceed to

Enjoy! =)

***UPDATE 11/8/2010***: A thorough tutorial on setting password for blog posts can be found at our LATEST TUTORIAL GUIDE. Check it out.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How To Hide Blogs on Blogger Profile

How to hide blogs you don't want to show on your Blogger profile?
How to hide but not delete blogs on Blogger profile?
How to remove blogs on Blogger profile?

If you just want to show certain blogs on your Blogger profile, you can hide the rest. For example, your test blogs - not necessary to show it on your Blogger profile.

blogger hide blogs

Dashboard > Edit Profile

Then click on Select blogs to display under Privacy Section.

After that, select and tick which blogs to display on your Blogger profile.

Save settings and that's it! Enjoy!

Friday, August 28, 2009

How To Add Feed Icon in Blogger Blog

How to create feed icon on blog?
How to add feed button on blog?

feed icon

First, go to your Layout.

Dashboard > Layout

Then, add a new gadget and select HTML/JavaScript.

Add this code.

<center><a text="Subscribe to my feed" href="your feed URL" target="_blank"><img src="feed image URL"/></a></center>

Blogger's default feed link is usually You can put this feed URL above. However, if you have registered with Feedburner, you can use your Feedburner's ULR there, which is more recommendable.

Feedburner's feed URL is usually

For the image URL, you can search for feed icon images and get the image link, preferably in .png or .gif format if you want an image with invisible background.

More feed icons can be obtained here! Enjoy!

Monday, August 17, 2009

How To Add Favicon To Blogger Blog

How to add favicon?
How to create favicon for blog?

Here is a simple way to create a favicon for your very own blog!

Firstly, an icon is required. You can either use an online icon creator (which I think is not user-friendly) or Photoshop.

Once you've designed your icon, save it as an image file. Next, proceed to the online icon generator to generate the icon. There, upload your saved favicon image, select icon size 16x16 and generate it. Once it's done, download the icon into your computer.

Then, upload the downloaded .ico image file to the Internet, use Windows Live SkyDrive or any image uploader that supports icon, and get the icon URL there.

Attention: To get the right icon URL after uploading to SkyDrive, keep clicking on the image until it appears on the browser by itself. Then copy the URL from the address bar.

Next, follow this instructions.
  • Go to your Blogger dashboard
  • Click manage: Layout
  • Click 'Edit HTML' below the Layout tab
There, search for a code line like this:


Then, copy and add the code below the line and replace "your favicon URL" with your favicon's URL.

<link href='your favicon URL' rel='icon'

Save it and have a look at your blog. You should be able to see your small Favicon next to your blog address.

Take note: If you're using older versions of Internet Explorer, you might not be able to see the icon. Firefox on the other hand shows the icon well in bookmarks, URL addresses and tabs.

Hope you'll like it. Feel free to ask if you've any doubts. =)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Promote Blog With Bloggerunited

Here's a great site to promote your blog to a blogging community - Bloggerunited.

Whenever you log in to Bloggerunited (BU), your latest blog post will be displayed on the main page, allowing more chances for other BU users to see and read your post.

So when you keep logging in, there are more chances for other BU users to know about your blog. Here's an example of what will be shown when you log in.

blogger united main

It contains the latest post title, together with an excerpt and the first picture of your blog. So to attract more visitors from BU, you should always have a nice first picture! You can tweet any posts on BU too, just click on the Tweet button to tweet the post.

Also with BU, you can favourite blog posts by other BU users and they'll be displayed in the Favourite Blog Posts list. In return, other BU users can favourite your posts back, if they like yours too.

blogger untied favourite blogs

You can also stand a chance to be listed under Popular Bloggers of The Month if you're active in BU.

popular blog

There is actually an invisible point system for every user, to calculate your activeness in BU. For example, visiting other blogs, discussing in the forum called Lounge, doing blog reviews, favouriting blog posts, providing referral and a few more - will gain you points.

So the more active you are in BU, the higher the reward. It's your hard work and effort after all.

Not forgetting the forum in BU called Lounge, where BU users can bring up topics and discuss with each other.

blogger united lounge forum

If you're very active on a particular day, you gain more points and your chances of being Featured Blogger of The Day will be higher. By being featured, your recent blog posts will be displayed and it can promote you blog better.

blogger united blogger

It is a great community to engage and get to know more bloggers, especially around Malaysia and Singapore. Friendships could be made too, who knows?

You can be in the Popular Today list or have your blog posts in the Popular Post Today too. The more presence you have in BU, the more BU users know about you - giving your blog more promotion.

Lastly, the BU users can vote their Favourite Bloggers. The more votes you have, the higher you climb up the Favourite Bloggers list.

blogger united favourite bloggers

Besides all those that have been mentioned, there are more features that you will be able to use. Keep exploring and you'll master The-Art-of-Bloggerunited! In fact, it's user-friendly and easy to be used!

So what are you waiting for?


UPDATE (6/9/2010): Bloggerunited has been down for several months and don't seem to be coming back anymore. RIP Bloggerunited.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Feedburner: How To Get Feed Count

How to get feed count from Feedburner?
How to know the number of blog subscribers with Feedburner?
How to know the feed count of blog?
How to obtain feed count with Feedburner?

If you don't have a Feedburner account yet, register now. It gives you better management on your Blogger feeds.

Proceed to How To Replace Blogger Feed with Google Feedburner first.

1) Log in to your Feedbuner account.

2) Select your feed and click on "Publicize" tab above.

feedburner publicize

3) Then, click on "Feed Count" under the Services.

feedburner feed count

4) Select your preferred feed settings.

feedburner count set

5) Click "Activate" button after configuring the feed settings.

6) HTML is generated later on.

feedburner feed count code

7) Copy and paste the code and put it in your blog.

Sample: Simple Blogger Tips' Feed Count:

It will update automatically as you get more subscribers.

The count can be increased when people follow your blog, link your blog with Blogger's Blog List and subscribe to a reader.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Blog Favicon

How to add favorite icon to blog?
How to get favicon for blogger blog?
How to add favicon to blog?

Follow this LINK to learn how to add a favicon to your blogger blog now!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

How To Remove Blogger Navigation Bar

How to hide blogger navigation bar on blog?
How to remove top bar on Blogger blog?
How to hide blogspot navigation bar on Blogspot blog?

blogger remove navigation bar

Here's how:

Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML

Add this code:

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;

just below this line:


then save it, view your blog and it's gone!

***UPDATE 3/4/2010: This method can't be used on template designed by Blogger Draft Template Designer. To remove the default navigation bar in Draft, the method can be found here.

Friday, July 17, 2009

How To Remove Icon on Blogger Comments

How to remove favicon on blogger comments?
How to remove icon beside comment author on blogger comments?

blogger remove comment icon

This trick will make your blogger blog commenting system looks less like a typical blogger blog.

Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > check Expand Widget Templates box

Then find this code line:

<dt expr:class='&quot;comment-author &quot; + data:comment.authorClass' expr:id='data:comment.anchorName'>

Then remove this part from the line:

+ data:comment.authorClass

Remember not to remove the ' at the end.

So after removing the code will look like this:

<dt expr:class='&quot;comment-author &quot;' expr:id='data:comment.anchorName'>

Actually you can just copy and replace the original line.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Feedburner: How To Republish Blogger Feed as HTML

How to republish feeds with Feedburner?
How to get recent posts with Feedburner?
How to publicize feeds with Feedburner?
How to generate feeds with Feedburner?

If you don't have a Feedburner account yet, register now. It gives you better management on your Blogger feeds.

Proceed to How To Replace Blogger Feed with Google Feedburner first.

1) Log in to your Feedbuner account.

2) Select your feed and click on "Publicize" tab above.

feedburner publicize

3) Then, click on "Buzz Boost" under the Services.

feedburner publicize buzz boost

4) Select your preferred feed settings.

feedburner publicize buzz boost feed settings

5) Click "Activate" button after configuring the feed settings.

6) HTML is generated later on.

feedburner publicize buzz boost ready

7) Copy and paste the code and put it in your blog.

With this HTML code, you can also put in on different blogs to display feeds from other blogs . Example, put the code on your secondary blog so that it also shows the recent posts of your primary blog.

An example of the generated Buzz Boost is located at our sidebar - more like a recent posts widget.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

How To Change Default Blogger Commenting System

How to modify default Blogger commenting system?
How to adapt Wordpress commenting system?
How to improve Blogger commenting system?
How to enable reply on Blogger commenting system?
How to change commenting system on Blogger?

Here's how. All you need is just to install or implement an external commenting system. After installing, commenters will be required to enter their name, email and optional website when commenting, just like default Wordpress commenting style.

Reason to change? It's more interactive and you can well manage all your comments on a particular website. External commenting system provides more feature - with custom top commenters widget, popular posts widget and recent comments widget.

Furthermore, you are able to reply on a particular comment and your reply will appear right under the replied comment - one feature that Blogger has yet to implement - which is very important to blogs these days.

Here are some recommended external commenting system - preferably try it out on a test blog before implementing on your intended blog.

1) Disqus

disqus logo

They offer:
  • A powerful comment system that easily enhances the discussion on websites.
  • In minutes, connect your community with those of thousands of other websites.
  • Threaded replies reveal the conversations in your comments.
  • And now it's easier to keep the discussion alive with email and mobile replying.
  • Features such as ratings and video comments make comments interactive and expressive.
  • An intuitive admin section makes it easy to moderate the discussions from one or multiple websites.
  • Disqus is easy to customize, with widgets that lets your audience become your community.
  • With search engine-friendly plugins and complete data sync, Disqus is as safe to use as it is easy.
  • And many more...

2) JS-Kit

js-kit logo

They offer:
  • Feature rich services backed by enterprise-class reliability and performance;
  • "Cut and paste" deployment - no coding or other technical expertise required;
  • Integrated RSS feeds for search engine visibility and data backup;
  • Spam protection, moderation capability and other administrative controls;
  • Knowledgeable and responsive support.
  • And many more...

3) Intense Debate

intense debate logo

They offer:
  • Comment Threading - Improve the conversation within the comment section and reply directly to an individual comment. Indented replies make following various conversations manageable.
  • Reply-By-Email - Respond to and moderate comments with ease via email, even if you're on the go. Just because you're away from your computer doesn't mean the conversation stops.
  • Commenter Profiles - Commenter profiles let you and your readers learn more about each other. Watch the conversation go to new levels once you and your readers are able to get to know each other. Don't forget, their universal profiles can be used on any site with IntenseDebate.
  • Moderation/Blacklistin - IntenseDebate offers some truly hardcore moderation options. Customize your settings to moderate by keywords, number of links, commenter email, and/or IP addresses.
  • OpenID - Your readers can post comments easily using their OpenID. They can tie their OpenID to their IntenseDebate profile so they won't have to worry about remembering another set of login credentials.
  • And many more...

Every commenting system are quite different from each other. You have to try all 3 to determine your best choice. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How To Generate Blog Traffic Instantly

Ways To Increase Blog Traffic Instantly
Ways To Generate Blog Traffic Instantly
Ways To Gain Blog Traffic Instantly

Here are some websites where you can get instant traffic just by surfing the registered blogs and then earn credits for others to visit your blog in return. They're free.

1) Blogexplosion

A blogging community where people can find and read your blog, get your blog reviewed or even chat with other bloggers all around the world!

blog explosion logo

2) Entrecard

Entrecard is a free blogging network that truly brings visitors to your blog. By joining Entrecard, you can earn credits which allow you to display an ad of your blog on other blog sites within our Network.

entrecard logo

3) Link Referral

By joining, you will be included in our members directory which is visited by our community of over 200,000 members, and thousands of outside visitors on a daily basis. You'll have the opportunity to earn a ranking at the top of your category, absolutely free! Receive valuable feedback from visitors of your website, network with your peers, and give your opinion on other websites in the directory. The more you participate, the more you get in return!

link referral logo

Friday, June 26, 2009

How To Change Blogger Blog Width

To adjust the width size of your blog according to your preference, you can do so at the HTML section:

Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML

Then you can change the width size to the size that you prefer.

#header-wrapper {
width: 750px;

#outer-wrapper {
width: 750px;

#main-wrapper {
width: 490px;

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 230px;

Header-wrapper and outer-wrapper determines the maximum width of your blog.

Main-wrapper determines the width of your blog content and sidebar-wrapper determines the width of your sidebar.

Make sure that the total pixel (px) allocation for the main-wrapper and sidebar-wrapper is not more than the outer-wrapper's size.

Monday, June 22, 2009

How To Gain Traffic From Nuffnang

Here are some easy and simple ways to gain traffic from Nuffnang.

1) Submit blog posts to INNIT

The basic source of getting Nuffnang traffic is by submitting your blog post to INNIT. It depends on your submission title - the more interesting it gets, the more traffic you get from INNIT.

2) Get NANGs for your submitted blog posts

There are many ways to get NANGs. Check out our 15 ways to get NANGs in INNIT. The more NANGs you get, the higher the chances of your post getting to the top 10, the more visitors you will gain from INNIT.

3) Include Nuffnang XChange widget

The Nuffnang XChange widget acts like an external mini INNIT on Nuffnang blogs. Latest INNIT postings and RSS feeds from other Nuffnang blogs will be displayed on the widget. Therefore, traffic can be obtained too.

4) Chat on Nuffnang ChatBox

The more you mingle and socialize with other bloggers on INNIT, the higher the chances of them visiting your blog to check it out.

5) Know other Nuffnang bloggers

The more Nuffnang bloggers you know, the higher your popularity will be within Nuffnang and/or INNIT. This will make you well-known and other Nuffnang users will be interested to visit your blog.

6) Blog about other Nuffnang bloggers

Talk about other Nuffnang bloggers, especially famous ones, on your blog. People will be interested to know what you wrote about them and will definitely head to your blog to find out.

7) Participate in Nuffnang events, blog it and submit to INNIT

Chances of gaining traffic by writing a Nuffnang-related event is very high. Other Nuffnang users who don't get to attend the events will be curious and interested to know how did the event go.

8) Comment on Nuffnang blog

A proper and interesting comment on the Nuffnang's blog posts will attract certain people and therefore they'll click on your name to visit your blog.

9) Be featured blogger of the month

If you have what it takes to be featured, apply at Nuffnang Helpdesk and stand a chance to be featured and gain more traffic for a month! It will indirectly increase your popularity too.

10) Be the bad guy

Dang other INNIT posts for no particular reason, make nasty comments and criticize other Nuffnang bloggers. Then everyone will be rushing to your blog to hit back on you. There you go, more traffic.

Friday, June 19, 2009

How To Open Links In New Window or Tab

How to open links in new windows or tabs?

Usually when one clicks on a link, the window will be directed to the link. However, if you want your blog to stay when your visitors do so, add this extra line to the <a> tag:

target="_new" or target="_blank"


<a href="" target="_blank">VISIT!</a>

In Firefox, both of these lines will open a new tab. It might differ depends on the web browser you're using.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Top Commenter Widget for Blogger Blogs

How to display list of top commentators on Blogspot blog?
How to add Top Commentator Widget on Blogspot blog?

Follow this link, fill up the available form and add to your blog immediately!

Credit: Blogger Buster

Thursday, June 11, 2009

How To Replace Blogger Feed with Google FeedBurner

When creating a blog with Blogspot, there will be a default feed published from the blog.

For example, Simple Blogger Tips' original feed link is:

And that's it.

However, with Google FeedBurner, you can manage your feed and your feed subscribers better.

feedburner logo

If you already have a Google Account, just sign in and add your blog link to the text field provided.

feedburner submit

After that, identify your feed source.

feedburner feed source

Select the choice with "Atom".

After that, give your feed its title and address.

feedburner feed title

Submit and your FeedBurner feed is done.

Now you have to redirect your Blogger feed to your new FeedBurner feed. Return to Blogspot.

Dashboard > Settings > Site Feed

Make sure "Allow Blog Feeds" is Full.

Then enter the FeedBurner feed link to the "Post Feed Redirect URL" box.

feedburner blogger feed

Click "Save Settings" button and you're done. Now all your feeds will be redirect to FeedBurner.

For your convenience, FeedBurner has applied the following services to your new feed:
  • BrowserFriendly improves your feed's appearance in most web browsers and makes it easier to subscribe to
  • FeedBurner Stats tracks basic feed traffic statistics
More of FeedBurner's feed management, services and features will be mentioned later.

Enjoy Feed-Burning! =)

If you have doubts, feel free to visit FeedBurner Support Site

Extra Feedburner Tips:

How To Republish Blogger Feed as HTML
How To Get Feed Count

Monday, June 8, 2009

How To Change Blogger Background

How to change blogger background?
How to change blog background?
How to change the colour of the background?
How to put image as background?
How to repeat the single image on the background?

Here's how.

First, go to your Edit HTML Template page.

Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML

Then look for the body { ... } section, usually appear after the Variable Definitions.

body {
background:$bgcolor; margin:0;
font: x-small "Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet, Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: small; text-align:
center; }

It doesn't have to look exactly like that. As long as you found the body { } section.

Now to change the background, all you need to do is play around with the background: line.

Change Background Colour

background: #FFFFFF;

Just change the #FFFFFF to other hexadecimal colour value. #FFFFFF is white. For more colours, check them out here here.

Also, you can put the colour name if you want.

background: white;

However, for more variety of colours, you are recommended to use the hexadecimal colour code.

Add Background Image

First upload your background to the Internet - ImageShack, Photobucket or any of your favourite photo uploading sites. Then obtain the direct link to the picture.

background: url(LINK);

Just add the image URL to LINK and you're done. Also you can modify the positioning and location of the image.

Just add these code after the URL part.

Repeat the image horizontally (left to right):


Repeat the image vertically (top to bottom):


No image repeat:


Repeat both vertically and horizontally:

(don't put any "repeat" tag)

Position image to the left or right:

left (for left side)
right (for right side)

Position image to center of screen:


Fix image on background (to prevent image from moving when scrolling):


Now your complete background code may look like this:

background: #FFFFFF url( repeat-x fixed;

So just play around and you'll understand it. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hack To Improve Blogger Label and Archive Pages

How to display post titles only on Blogger archive page?
How to show blog posts titles on Blogspot archive page?
How to set Blogger to show only blog titles on archive page?
How to show titles only on archive pages of Blogger blog?

How to display post titles only on Blogger label page?
How to show blog posts titles on Blogspot label page?
How to set Blogger to show only blog titles on label page?
How to show titles only on label pages of Blogger blog?

This hack will enhance the label and archive pages on a Blogspot blog.

blogger archive title only

Showing only the titles and not the content.

Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > check Expand Widget Templates box

Then find this code line:

<b:include data='post' name='post'/>

Replace that line with this coding.

<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl != data:blog.url'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<h3 class='post-title'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a></h3>
<b:include data='post' name='post'/>
<b:include data='post' name='post'/>


Now you have summarized label and archive pages.

Credit: Blogger Widgets

Friday, June 5, 2009

Remove "Showing post with all posts"

How to remove "Showing post with all posts" on Blogger blog?

Here's how:

blogger remove this

Log in to your Blogger account, Back-up your template, then go to:

Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > check Expand Widget Templates box

Find the following part of code:

<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

Then REPLACE it with:

<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div style='clear: both;'/>


Now open your blog and view any label.

Credit: BlogBluk

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Allocation of Nuffnang Advertisements

What is the allocation of Nuffnang ads on your blog? How does the advertisement allocation work?

i serve nuffnang badge button

Here's how. Brief explanation by Nuffnang crew - Robb.

Allocations for Nuffnang ads are counted based on the number of impressions or clicks the advertiser purchase divided by the number of days the advertiser intends to run the campaign. Take for an example, an advertiser purchases 700 ad impressions on your blog for a week's period. That means, it will be divided into 7 days and each day the ad will only be served to the first 100 visitors to your blog.

As each day begins anew at 12.00am, the ads will start showing from that time till the allocation of 100 impressions are used up for that day. That's why at times, ads don't show anymore once it reaches the late evening due to the fact that the impressions purchased for the day has all been used up.

If anyone doesn't understand anything, it's totally fine. You are free to ask Nuffnang about their services and they'll be glad to assist with their helpdesk system. :)

P/S: Thanks to Robb for the explanation and clarification.

P/S: I Love Nuffnang has been changed to Simple Blogger Tips to accommodate more tricks and tips for Blogspot bloggers - no longer limited to the world of Nuffnang!

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Add "NANG IT!" Button on Blog Post

As requested by some readers, here is how to add the "NANG IT!" button in a blog post.

First, type your blog post and publish it. After that, submit your post to INNIT and you'll get the URL for the post in INNIT.

You can obtain the INNIT URL link from the address bar above right after you submit your post.

innit link

Next, put this code in the HTML section of your blog post.

<a href="INNIT URL" target="_blank"><img src=""/></a>

Just replace the INNIT URL with your URL and it's done! =)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

15 Ways To Get NANGs in INNIT

In order to use INNIT, one has to obtain the Nuffnang Glitterati status first.

Okay, the more NANGs you get at INNIT, the higher the chances of your submitted post gets to the Top 10 Popular Posts. Once your post is up there, your blog will gain more visitor - even though your post is sucky.

The trick is - if your submitted post gets more than 20 NANGs, it'll probably end up at the Top 10 Popular Posts in the last 24 hours.

Here are some simple ways to get NANGs for your submitted entries in Nuffnang's blog aggregator - INNIT.

1) Post about Nuffnang-related issues.

For example:

  • NANGs & DANGs in INNIT
  • Dedicate posts to fellow Nuffnangers
  • Nuffnang Events, Outings, Cheques & Competitions

nuffnang staff

2) Submit interesting topics.

For example:

  • Gaining Traffic, More Visitor Hits
  • Money, Earning Online
  • Porn, Sex, Boobs & Women

nuffnang innit sex

nuffnang innit traffic

3) Post controversial issues.

For example:

  • Malaysian Politics
  • Hitting/criticizing on another bloggers
  • Defaming certain blogging styles

4) Use misleading title at INNIT.

For example:

You wrote about your teaching scolding you on your blog. Then when you submit on INNIT, you post the title as:

"My Teacher Fcuked My Ass! Pain! Child Abuse!"

There you go, everyone will be curious and click on the link. Dubious NANGs for you.

More real examples of misleading titles:

nuffnang innit misleading
nuffnang innit misleading

5) Attend Nuffnang events.

The more Nuffnang events you go to, the more active Nuffnang bloggers you'll meet. Once you get the know them better, the chances of them giving you NANGs for your submitted post is higher.

6) Go outings with Nuffnang bloggers. (Not related to Nuffnang events)

Same reason as Point 5.

7) Be a famous figure in INNIT.

There are some Nuffnang bloggers that are inactive in INNIT, but once they submit their post on INNIT, it gets NANG-ed so easily. Because everyone is hyped about them. How to be famous? Definitely socializing more with the other Nuffnangers.

8) Chat frequently on the Nuffnang Chatbox.

The more you chat, the more Nuffnangers you know. So when you submit a blog post, you can ask them to NANG it for you.

nuffnang innit nang nang chat box

9) NANG other posts on INNIT aka "I-NANG-you, you-NANG-me".

When you NANG other bloggers' submitted INNIT posts, they might return the favour by NANG-ing on your submitted posts too. It's a win-win situation.

10) Use Twitter, Plurk or other "What Are You Doing" tools.

When you submitted a blog post on INNIT, update your Twitter with the link to the INNIT page of the post.

11) Use Facebook, Friendster or other social networking websites.

Post the link to the INNIT page of your submitted post on Walls, Bulletin Boards and etcetera. Other Nuffnang bloggers might notice and give you a NANG right away.

12) Promote in forums.

Post in forums regarding your submitted posts on INNIT. Who knows, there might other other Nuffnang bloggers using that forum too.

13) Add a "NANG IT!" button on your blog post.

Adding "NANG IT!" button at the end of your post can help too. Some Nuffnang bloggers might not come to your blog through INNIT. So providing a link back to the INNIT page of your post will allow them to NANG easily.

14) Tell other blogger friends to NANG your post on their blog's chatbox.

Just drop by their blog, say hi, leave the link to the INNIT page of the post and say "NANG ME! THX". If you have other Nuffnang blogger friends, just ask them to NANG for you. Smses, msn or phone calls will do the trick.

15) The right INNIT submission timing.

The time of your submission of your post in INNIT is important. Submitting your post at 6am in the morning won't get you NANGs because most Nuffnang bloggers are asleep. The encouraged time period to submit your posts is between 9pm to 1am. That's when most people are active.

So that's basically 15 quick ways to get NANGs for your submitted entries in INNIT. All the best!

P/S: Please don't use Point 4. It's not advisable to mislead INNIT users to thinking that you have a GREAT (or sex-related) writeup when the truth is that your post content is totally off from the title.

Disclaimer: Some points are not recommendable, do it at your own risk. The author is just stating all available ways to get NANGs.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Soccer, Alien & Princess Nuffnang XChange Widget

An additional of 3 more themes for Nuffnang XChange widget!

nuffnang soccer theme
Certainly for football enthusiasts.

nuffnang alien theme
Science fiction lover? This should be your choice.

nuffnang princess theme
A great design for all little princesses.

Check it out on the Nuffnang XChange Page now!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Metered Campaigns VS CPC Campaigns

Many are unsure about the differences between a Metered Campaign and a CPC Campaign. Here are the explanation.

Metered Campaigns

Metered campaigns are ads that are paid based directly on the number of unique visits a Nuffnang user contribute to the campaign.

A Nuffnang blog can be assigned more than one metered ad at the same time in the same slot, but the owner will not receive notifications about these assignments (because of the potential volume, and because the campaign duration may not be fixed).

nuffnang metered campaign

Earnings for metered campaigns are also handled differently because metered campaigns usually last longer than normal paid ads. It might take a while before Nuffnang credits the earnings to the account. In the meantime, Nuffnang users can see the running total that he/she has earned for that campaign so far as "Buffered Earnings".

Also, Nuffnang is giving out CTR Bonus to reward blogs for good campaign performance. Nuffnang will give out bonus earnings for blogs that achieve a CTR (Click-through ratio) of 0.2% or higher on new campaigns that run on a blog. This figure is based on average industry standards.

With metered campaigns, Nuffnang hopes to achieve the following:
  • A better distribution of ads to more bloggers.
  • Lower fatigue resulting in better click-through ratios.
  • More income since we can now run multiple advertisers on a single ad unit.

CPC (Cost-per-Click) Campaigns

Earnings for a CPC campaign are calculated based on the number of clicks a particular Ad Unit had in the past week. Usually it's 25cents per click for Glitterati members and 15cents per click for non-Glitterati members.

nuffnang normal campaign

However, multiple clicks from the same computer with the same IP address & Mac Address will be considered as spam and as a result, the earnings will be reduced/removed. A warning will be issued by Nuffnang personnel too.

Information obtained from Nuffnang.
Feel free to correct me if there are any mistakes above. Thank you.
*thanks Robb & Caffery for the corrections*

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