Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to Add Signature to Blog Posts

How to add signature to blog entry?
How to add photo at the bottom of blog post?
How to add photo at the bottom of each blog entry?
How to add image at the bottom of each blog post?
How to include signature at the blog post?
How to include signature to blog entry?
How to include photo at bottom of blog post?
How to include image at the blog post?

You want to add a permanent signature or a picture at the end of each of your blog post, here's how.

blog signature

Firstly, go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML. Then click Expand Widget Templates.

Search for this code:


You'll need to include the signature below this code. There are 2 types of including signatures - Text and Image.


Signature 1 - Text

Then write your signature text below the <data:post.body/> code, and preview it so that you can make adjustments.

If it appears on the line right after the blog post ends, you can include <br/> before the signature text so that there will be a space between them.

That's it if you just want to have a text signature at the bottom of each of your blog entry.


Signature 2 - Image

You want to have an image as your signature, you should add this code below the <data:post.body/> code instead.

<img src='http://imagelink'/>

Replace the http://imagelink with your signature image URL link.

By default, it's aligned to the left.

To align it to the center, use this code.

<center><img src='http://imagelink'/></center>

To align it to the right, use this code.

<div style='text-align: right;'><img src='http://imagelink'/></div>

Remember to replace the http://imagelink with the your image URL link.

Preview, make adjustments with line break code - <br/> - if necessary. Save it and you're done.


If you want the image to have an invisible background, meaning that you just want the signature image/text to be displayed only without the background - you'll have to create one for yourself (with Photoshop) and save it as .png or .gif file without any background layer.


mhsands said...

I need a little more help. I have entered the code from the directions. It worked and placed my signature above the comments footer (which is what I wanted). However, it only shows up on new posts. Is there a code to make it show up on all previous and future post alike?


Simple Blogger Tips said...

In my understanding, if you have hard-coded the line into your HTML template, it should appear on all posts. Because whenever a post (both existing and new) is loaded, it should load the signature as well.

Tillie said...

Love it! Thank you so much, love your blog :)

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