Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Promote Blog With Bloggerunited

Here's a great site to promote your blog to a blogging community - Bloggerunited.

Whenever you log in to Bloggerunited (BU), your latest blog post will be displayed on the main page, allowing more chances for other BU users to see and read your post.

So when you keep logging in, there are more chances for other BU users to know about your blog. Here's an example of what will be shown when you log in.

blogger united main

It contains the latest post title, together with an excerpt and the first picture of your blog. So to attract more visitors from BU, you should always have a nice first picture! You can tweet any posts on BU too, just click on the Tweet button to tweet the post.

Also with BU, you can favourite blog posts by other BU users and they'll be displayed in the Favourite Blog Posts list. In return, other BU users can favourite your posts back, if they like yours too.

blogger untied favourite blogs

You can also stand a chance to be listed under Popular Bloggers of The Month if you're active in BU.

popular blog

There is actually an invisible point system for every user, to calculate your activeness in BU. For example, visiting other blogs, discussing in the forum called Lounge, doing blog reviews, favouriting blog posts, providing referral and a few more - will gain you points.

So the more active you are in BU, the higher the reward. It's your hard work and effort after all.

Not forgetting the forum in BU called Lounge, where BU users can bring up topics and discuss with each other.

blogger united lounge forum

If you're very active on a particular day, you gain more points and your chances of being Featured Blogger of The Day will be higher. By being featured, your recent blog posts will be displayed and it can promote you blog better.

blogger united blogger

It is a great community to engage and get to know more bloggers, especially around Malaysia and Singapore. Friendships could be made too, who knows?

You can be in the Popular Today list or have your blog posts in the Popular Post Today too. The more presence you have in BU, the more BU users know about you - giving your blog more promotion.

Lastly, the BU users can vote their Favourite Bloggers. The more votes you have, the higher you climb up the Favourite Bloggers list.

blogger united favourite bloggers

Besides all those that have been mentioned, there are more features that you will be able to use. Keep exploring and you'll master The-Art-of-Bloggerunited! In fact, it's user-friendly and easy to be used!

So what are you waiting for?


UPDATE (6/9/2010): Bloggerunited has been down for several months and don't seem to be coming back anymore. RIP Bloggerunited.


lolit said...

hello, i have just signed up to blogger united, thank you and i have followed you as well.

Aves said...

Great post, I'll definitely check it out

Spicy Sharon said...

I just joined BU like few days ago.
Still trying to figure how all the fancy gadgets work! Anyway, glad that I'm part of the BU gang now =)

Whatever! said...

Thanks! Sounds like a good site i'll go check it out.

Roldan Quill said...

Hi there...thanks for the nice tips. really hope this thing will work out for me.

vnblognet [dot] com said...

thak you for this post

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